Five Lenses
Five lenses to evaluate the customer journey
#1 Customer Motivations
The product or service you sell is simply an ends to a means. Understanding the underlying motivations behind customer decisions and switching behavior is critical to determining how to help customers achieve their goals and objectives. There are several forces at play (push, pull, habit, anxiety) that either promote their choosing your product or service or act as barriers in making this choice. It is critical that you understand these forces for each targeted persona.
#2 Customer Expectations
Understanding customer expectations is critical to delivering a good customer experience. Customer expectations are the basis for how individuals assess whether each interaction with your brand is 'good' or 'bad'. The sum of these interactions, across multiple touchpoints, makes up their overall customer experience. Customer expectations can be analyzed hierarchally with aspirational and emotional needs often being of greater importance than functional ones in regards to their customer advocacy or loyalty.
#3 Customer Moments
The typical customer engages with the brand across multiple touchpoints within the different stages of the customer journey. At different points in the journey there will be critical moments to make sure you "get it right" if you wish to deliver an easy, effective, and enjoyable experience. Designing experiences in recognition of these critical moments is an important goal or objective in experience design.
#4 Customer Emotions
There will always be highs and lows in regards to customer emotions across the different stages of the journey. Understanding how different emotions can occurr is a critical step in identifying opportunities to improve the overall customer experience. Can you ensure positive experiences and/or avoid negative experiences? Or make sure you are able to turn them around when they do happen.
#5 Customer Effort
Simplifying or reducing the effort expended by customers is an important aspect of deliverying a good customer experience. Customer effort when analyzed comes in many different forms: physical effort, cognitive effort, emotional effort, and/or time-based effort. All forms of undue effort impact the overall customer experience. Determining ways in which to reduce effort across the customer journey aids in improving the overall customer experience.