The Complex Sale and Buyer Enablement

Selling is hard; buying is harder. Drive more sales by focusing on making the buying process easier and more effective.

B2B customers having a significant business problem to solve tend to have multiple people involved, a buying group, in making the purchasing decision. They tend to create buying criteria, formally stated or informally inferred within that buying group. These types of business decisions tend to take longer to analyze and make in regards to both business outcomes as well as personal or career outcomes. Therefore, selling complex solutions requires that you have both an understanding of the different buyer types as well as buying process itself.
Customer Centric Solutions :: Simplified buying process
Customer Centric Solutions :: Reality of the buying process

A complex sale exists when a number of people (a buying group) must give their approval or input before the sale is commenced.


Customer Centric Solutions :: Complex sale


Buyer Types

We recommend thinking about the buying group as consisting of four distinct buyer types each playing a unique role within the buying process:

Customer Centric Solutions :: Economic Buyer

Economic Buyer

The person who has the ability to commit funds to a purchase. They can say ‘yes’ when everybody else says ‘no’ and say ‘no’ when everybody else says ‘yes’. They will often times delegate buying authority for purchases under a set dollar amount.

Customer Centric Solutions :: User Buyer

User Buyer

The person(s) who will actually make use of your solution after the purchase decision is made. They are usually not the Economic Buyer. They are seeking to make sure the product or service meets critical business and technical specifications.

Customer Centric Solutions :: Technical Buyer

Technical Buyer

The person who makes sure that all purchasing rules (e.g., RFI/RFP, competitive bids, terms and conditions, etc.) defined in corporate governance procedures are followed. These buyers typically are purchasing managers.

Customer Centric Solutions :: Coach or Champion

Coach or Champion

This person is someone who wants your solution to win. They could be any of the three buyer types listed above or not directly involved in the purchase decision. They provide you with insight into the buying process and the people involved.

Note: There is only one Economic Buyer, however, there can be more or more User Buyers or Technical Buyers. If a Coach/Champion has not been identified, one needs to be groomed or developed.


Buyer Enablement

While marketers and salespeople have traditionally focused on sales methodologies, tools and processes to help themselves, buyer enablement shifts the focus to:

Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement
Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement

Building an understanding of the buying process itself, the stages in the buying process, the customer jobs within each stage of the buyer journey

Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement

Identifying how every individual you interface with during the buying process maps to the four different buyer types (economic, user, technical, coach/champion)

Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement

Helping each different buyer type find the information most important to themselves based upon their unique perspective, business priorities, success factors, decision criteria, and potential barriers/concerns

Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement

Creating content necessary to inform each stage of the buying process; content that is relevant, easy to read and understand, useful to making progress, and credible

Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement

Helping the buying group achieve consensus at each stage of the buying process: problem to be solved, solution alternatives worth exploring, most critical business and technical requirements, and supplier of choice (your company)

Customer Centric Solutions :: Buyer enablement

Helping your coach/champion successfully advise, present and sell internally; getting alignment and buy-in across the buying group

By putting more emphasis on the buyer’s journey, companies are being rewarded with more customers, higher conversion rates and shorter sales cycles

The B2B Workshop Series

Buyer Insights, Buying Process, and Value Proposition

The B2B Workshop Series is designed to help you build and an improved understanding of buyer types, their journey, the buying process, and your value proposition.

B2B Buyer Insights Workshop

Designed to help align your marketing and sales team on five core insights to understand for each buyer type (economic, user, technical, coach/champion) within the buying group.

B2B Buying Process Workshop

Designed to help you breakdown the buying process by stage, asking the question of how do we make it easier and more satisfying to buy from us as opposed to selling to them.

B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Designed to help align your brand, marketing, sales, and services teams on opportunities to improve delivery and realization of different elements of value (table stakes, functional, ease of doing business, individual, and aspirational).


Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Workshop Series


B2B Buyer Insights Workshop


The B2B Buyer Insights Workshop is designed to help align your marketing, sales, product, and customer success organizations on five core insights to understand for each buyer type (economic, user, technical, coach/champion) within the buying group. In a complex sale, it is critical that you understand what’s important to each buyer type in relationship to these five core buyer insights:

Source: Buyer Persona Institute


After this workshop, You’ll walk away Understanding how to:

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Insights Workshop

Begin to evaluate your sales process based upon how companies buy (rather than how you sell).

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Insights Workshop

Quickly align your marketing and sales teams on who the buyer is, what’s most important to them, and how to better engage them during each stage of the buying process.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Insights Workshop

Identify opportunities to make the buying process easier and more effective; facilitate consensus within the buying group.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Insights Workshop

Shorten sales cycles, winning more deals based upon improved understanding of the buying process.

+ Click to find out what we cover in the workshop:
  • Educating on the Five Rings of Buyer Insights™ framework
  • Mapping buyer/department roles to each buyer type
  • Group exercises focused on defining the following insights for each buyer type:

    • Priority Initiatives
    • Success Factors
    • Decision Criteria
    • Perceived Barriers
    • The Buying Process
  • Shareouts by Buyer Type from each Team

  • Synthesizing core themes across buyer types
  • Presenting and discussing findings from the workshop
+ Click to find out why this is important:
  • B2B buyer personas have traditionally been simply demographic or psychographic profiles (providing limited value).

  • Buyer insights driven personas better inform how to engage with each buyer type throughout the buying process.

  • These buyer insights will help you qualify as well as work the deal.

  • They will help you understand each buyer types role within the buying process and the resources that most influence them.

  • They will help you in working with the coach/champion in reaching consensus within the buying group.

+ Click to see Workshop Details:

  • Pre-workshop: Two days of planning and preparation activities
  • Workshop:
    • 12 to 16 participants
    • ½-day virtual workshop
  • Post-workshop: Two days of synthesizing activities
  • Findings Report

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Insights Workshop



Enabling the buying process

The B2B Buying Process Workshop is designed to help you breakdown the buying process by stage, asking the question of how do we make it easier and more satisfying to buy from us as opposed to selling to them.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop
Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop

According to recent studies regarding the modern buying process, your sales representatives have roughly between 5% to 15% of a customer’s time (more limited when competing against multiple suppliers) during their b2b buying journey.

Therefore, it’s critical that sales representatives have a deep understanding of the activities within the six highlighted “jobs” that a customer must complete to their satisfaction during the buying process.


After this workshop, You’ll walk away Understanding how to:

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop

Identify opportunities to engage earlier in the buying process. To help align all members of the buying group on the most critical problems to get solved.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop

Identify opportunities to add value throughout the buying process; enable the buying group to make forward progress quicker.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop

Understand how the content we create serves (or doesn’t) the needs of each buyer type based upon their role within the buying process.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop

Shorten sales cycles and closing more deals based upon an improved understanding of the buying process.

+ Click to find out what we cover in the workshop
  • Educating on the b2b buyer journey and the four stages within the buying process:
  • Inventorying the buyers jobs-to-be-done at each stage of the buying process.
  • Assessing the buyer jobs-to-be-done within each stage of the journey:

    1. Problem identification
    2. Solution exploration
    3. Requirements building
    4. Supplier selection
  • Identifying opportunities (pains/gains) to improve the buyer experience and buying process

  • Shareouts by Buyer Type from each Team
  • Synthesizing core themes across each stage of the buying process
  • Presenting and discussing findings from the workshop
+ Click to learn why this is important:
  • Selling is hard, buying is even harder.
  • Empathizing with buyers on what it takes to make progress within the buying process is often critical to getting the sale.
  • Buyers are spending more and more of the buying process online and not interfacing with your sales team directly.
  • Organizations need to create new methods of engaging with buyers outside of sales calls to help them make progress.
  • Empowering your coach/champion with the necessary information to drive buying group consensus critical to being the supplier of choice.

+ Click to see Workshop Details:

  • Pre-workshop: Two days of planning and preparation activities
  • Workshop:
    • 12 to 16 participants
    • ½-day virtual workshop
  • Post-workshop: Four days of synthesizing activities
  • Findings Report

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Buyer Process Workshop


B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Identifying your B2B value proposition

The B2B Value Proposition Workshop is designed to help align your brand, marketing, sales, and services teams on opportunities to improve delivery and realization of different elements of value (table stakes, functional, ease of doing business, individual, and aspirational).
Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Value Proposition Workshop
Understanding your B2B value proposition is critical to both establishing new business relationships as well as sustaining them overtime. Your ability to provide value at multiple levels of the value pyramid is fundamental to the potential strength of any given business relationship. The less value you provide at higher levels of the value pyramid, the more commoditized your relationships, while, the greater value you provide at higher levels of the value pyramid the more differentiated these relationships can become from your competitors.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Value Proposition Workshop

After this workshop, You’ll walk away Understanding how to:

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Identify your company's unique value proposition beyond the table stakes of doing business.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Align marketing, sales, product, and services teams on the B2B value proposition.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Understand how to incorporate your value proposition into every aspect of how you do business and engage with your customers.

Customer Centric Solutions :: B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Increase customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty due to more consistent delivery of value (across elements).

+ Click to find out what we be cover in the workshop
  • Educating on the B2B Elements of Value™ and determining your value proposition
  • Defining each element of value within the context of your specific business model
  • Group exercises focused on defining the ways in which each value proposition is realized:

    1. Table stakes
    2. Economic/Performance value
    3. Ease of Doing Business value
    4. Individual value
    5. Inspirational value
  • Shareouts by Value Proposition from each Team

  • Assessing opportunities (pains/gains) to improve realization of desired value proposition
  • Mapping the B2B Value Proposition opportunities to each stage of the buyer journey
+ Click to learn why it is important:
  • Creating differentiation in a crowded marketplace is more important than ever
  • Customer decisions are based upon a combination of both objective and subjective criteria
  • Ease of doing business becoming more critical in relationship to both acquisition and retention
  • Delivering value across multi-dimensions critical to building strong business relationships

+ Click to see Workshop Details:

  • Pre-workshop: Two days of planning and preparation activities
  • Workshop:
    • 12 to 16 participants
    • ½-day virtual workshop
  • Post-workshop: Four days of synthesizing activities
  • Findings Report

Client Testimonials

what our clients have to say

Defining the buying process and thinking through all of the different buyer jobs helped us understand where we had opportunities across marketing and sales to better enable the buying process for highly complex energy deals.
— Alex McNichol, Business Development Growth @ TransAlta
This was the first time we had thought through exactly what our value proposition was at each stage of the buyer journey from the buying stage to on-going customer relationship management.
— Jennifer Doepker, Managing Director, Commercial @ TransAlta

B2B Workshop Series Recap

Buyer Insights, Buying Process, and Value Proposition

The B2B Workshop Series is designed to help you build and an improved understanding of buyer types, their journey, the buying process, and your value proposition.

B2B Buyer Insights Workshop

Designed to help align your marketing and sales team on five core insights to understand for each buyer type (economic, user, technical, coach/champion) within the buying group.

  • Prep: 2 days
  • Workshop: ½ day; 12 to 16 participants
  • Post: 4 days

Total Fees $6,000

B2B Buying Process Workshop

Designed to help you breakdown the buying process by stage, asking the question of how do we make it easier and more satisfying to buy from us as opposed to selling to them.

  • Prep: 2 days
  • Workshop: ½ day; 12 to 16 participants
  • Post: 4 days

Total Fees $6,000

B2B Value Proposition Workshop

Designed to help align your brand, marketing, sales, and services teams on opportunities to improve delivery and realization of different elements of value (table stakes, functional, ease of doing business, individual, and aspirational).

  • Prep: 2 days
  • Workshop: ½ day; 12 to 16 participants
  • Post: 4 days

Total Fees $6,000